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Artificial Intelligence in the Petroleum Industry. Vol. 1

Authors : BRAUNSCHWEIG Bertrand


Ph.D. in Computer Science

Senior Research Engineer at IFP (French Petroleum Institute)

Field of publication:
Computer Science, petroleum

Author of 40 scientific articles, Dr. Braunschweig published and edited the following titles in English:
– Simulation on Micro Computer (Ed. Eyrolles)
– Artificial Intelligence in the Petroleum Industry – Vol. 1 and 2 (Ed. Technip)

Complementary information:
Dr. Braunschweig is the president of AFIA and
CAPE-OPEN project Coordinator.

, DAY Ron


ISBN : 9782710806882
trade paperback      160 x 240 mm      480 pages
Publication date : 1995

Most chapters are extensions to papers presented at the CAIPEP and EuroCAIPEP conferences held in Dallas and Aberdeen.

Contents :

I. Symbolic AI. New approaches in interpretation. Automated plan generation. Model-based reasoning. Hybrid approaches. II. Computational AI. Neural networks. Fuzzy expert systems. Genetic algorithms. Hybrid systems. References. Index.

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