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Formation Imaging by Acoustic Logging

Authors : MARI Jean-Luc

MARI Jean-Luc

Graduate Engineer From ENSPM (IFP School - France)
Ph.D. in Earth sciences

Professor in Geophysics at IFP School, Senior Research Geophysicist at IFP (French Institute of Petroleum)

Field of publication:
Geophysics, signal processing

Author of about 60 scientific articles (30 in English), Dr. Mari published 12 titles with Editions Technip:
in English:
- Full Waveform Acoustic Data Processing (with F. Coppens, Ph. Gavin and E. Wicquart)
- Geophysics of Reservoir and Civil Engineering (with G. Arens, D. Chapellier and P. Gaudiani)
- Seismic Surveying and Well Logging (with S. Boyer)
- Seismic Well Surveying (with F. Coppens)
- Signal Processing for Geologists and Geophysicists (with F. Glangeaud and F. Coppens)
- Wave Separation (with F. Glangeaud)
in French:
- Géophysique de gisement et de génie civil (with G. Arens, D. Chapellier and P. Gaudiani)
- Mise en œuvre et traitement de la sismique de puits et des diagraphies acoustiques
- La sismique de puits (with F. Coppens)
- Sismique et diagraphies (with S. Boyer)
- Traitement des diagraphies acoustiques (with F. Coppens, Ph. Gavin and E. Wicquart)
- Traitement du signal pour géologues et géophysiciens (with F. Glangeaud and F. Coppens)
  - Vol. 1. Prospection sismique
  - Vol. 2. Techniques de base
and also 2 CD-Rom (English- French):
- Reservoir and Civil Engineering Geophysics (with D. Chapellier)
- Signal Processing in Geosciences (with F. Glangeaud)

ISBN : 9782710806943
trade paperback      210 x 297 mm      64 pages
Publication date : 1996

The aim of this collection of four articles is to demonstrate some little-known or unknown applications of acoustic logging for characterizing reservoirs. Acoustic logging gives a geometric description of the well environment by refraction and reflection imaging and gives a good picture of the fractured medium. The first three articles show how acoustic logging can be used to describe the near-well reservoir medium. The last article is devoted to analyzing dispersive modes of the Stoneley type and of the flexural type.

Contents :

trade paperback, 210 x 297 mm, 64 p., 50 figs. (Extract from Revue de l’IFP, Vol. 48, No. 4, 1993; Vol. 49, Nos. 2 and 6, 1994; Vol. 50, No. 2, 1995).

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