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Resid and Heavy Oil Processing

Authors : CHATILA Sami G.


Graduate Engineer in Refining and Chemical Engineering from ENSPM (IFP School – France) and in Industrial Chemistry from INSA (Lyon – France)
Graduate from the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (Paris – France)

Deputy Director, Engineering Division, at IFP (French Petroleum Institute)

Field of publication:

Mr. Chatila published and co-authored 10 titles including:
In English:
– Resid and Heavy Oil Processing (Ed.Technip)
– Crude Oil. Petroleum Products. Process Flowsheet (Ed.Technip)
In French:
– Pétroles bruts. Produits pétroliers. Schémas de raffinage (Ed.Technip)
– Le raffinage du pétrole (Ed.CIE)
– Le craquage catalytique des coupes lourdes (Ed.Technip)
– Raffinage et conversion des produits lourds du pétrole (Ed.Technip)



, LE PAGE Jean-François

LE PAGE Jean-François

Graduate Engineer from IFP School - France
Ph.D. in Chemistry and Physics

Scientific advisor at IFP (French Petroleum Institute)

Field of publication:
Refining. Chemistry. Catalysis. Environment

Author of numerous scientific articles Dr. Le Page published and co-authored 5 titles, including with Editions Technip:
In English:
- Applied Heterogeneous Catalysis. Design. Manufacture. Use of Solid Catalysts
- Resid and Heavy Oil Processing
In French:
- Catalyse de contact. Conception, préparation et mise en œuvre des catalyseurs industriels
- Raffinage et conversion des produits lourds du pétrole

ISBN : 9782710806219
hardcover      170 x 240 mm      188 pages
Publication date : 1992

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This text reviews all conversion processes. The reaction mechanisms, the operating conditions and the advantages and disadvantages of each process are carefully analyzed and summarized. Refining flow sheets involving several conversion processes are studied. Concrete results are given and commented upon. The book is designed to help refiners to make technical and economic choices among different processes so as to develop the refining flowsheet that best suits their needs.


This book is available in French under the title "Raffinage et conversion des produits lourds du pétrole".

Contents :

I. Processing routes with carbon rejection. General. 1. Physical processes with carbon rejection. 2. Carbon rejecting processes by thermal treatment. II. Resid process without carbon rejection. General. 1. Thermal conversion processes. 2. Catalytic conversion under hydrogen pressure. 3. Resid processing schemes. References.

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