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High-Performance Polymers. Vol. 1 Conductive Adhesives

Authors : RABILLOUD Guy


Ph. D. in physical and chemical sciences

Documentation service manager at IFP (French Petroleum Institute)

Field of publication:
Polymer chemistry

Author of about 50 scientific articles, Dr. Rabilloud published or co-authored 3 titles including, in English:
- High- Performance Polymers. Chemistry and Applications (Ed. Technip)
  - Vol. 1. Conductive Adhesives
  - Vol. 2. Polyquinoxalines and Polyimides
  - Vol. 3. Polyimides in Electronics
- New Methods of Polymer Synthesis. Vol. 2 (Blackie Academic and Professional)

ISBN : 9782710807162
trade paperback      170 x 240 mm      376 pages
Publication date : 1997

American buyersAmerican buyers

High performance polymers are extensively used in the fabrication, assembly and packaging of semiconductor components. The basic purpose of this book is to review the present status of the electrically conductive and thermally conductive adhesive technology, primarily for the well established die attach market, but also for the anisotropic adhesive films used to interconnect electronic drivers to liquid crystal display panels, and adhesives which are currently tested to replace soft solders in the surface mount technology.

Contents :

1. Applications, market survey and standards. 2. Electrical and thermal conductivities. 3. Fillers and resins. 4. Properties of uncured adhesives. 5. Properties of cured adhesives. 6. Thermally-induced stresses. 7. Reliability concerns. 8. Current developments.

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