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Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Science. English-French, French-English

Dictionnaire des sciences de la Terre. Anglais-Français, Français-Anglais

Authors : BRACE Gerald

BRACE Gerald

BA from Williams College, Degrees in medium level and higher literary French from the University of Paris, Degree from the Institut de Phonétique

Gerald Brace† was a linguist, scientific rewriter and technical translator at IFP-Energies nouvelles. He was co-author of several dictionaries together with Magdeleine Moureau.

Field of publication:
Technical translation dictionaries

Author of 7 scientific articles, Mr. Brace published and co-authored 4 dictionaries (English-French, French-English) with Editions Technip:
– Dictionary of Seismic Prospecting – 4000 terms
– Dictionary of Drilling and Borehole – 8000 terms
– Comprehensive Dictionary of Petroleum Science and Technology – 70 000 terms
– Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Sciences – 37 000 terms

Complementary information:
Prizewinner, Académie des Sciences, Paris – France (1994).

, MOUREAU Magdeleine

MOUREAU Magdeleine

Ph.D. in Law, Graduate in Library Sciences

Magdeleine Moureau has head IFP-Energies nouvelles Documentation. She is the author of articles, technical dictionaries and linguistic tools helping in the search and elaboration of on-line information.

Field of publication:
Computerized documentation, linguistics, thesaurus construction, dictionary

Author of numerous scientific articles, Dr. Moureau published and co-authored the following titles with Editions Technip:
English-French, French-English:
- Dictionary of Seismic Prospecting - 4000 terms
- Dictionary of Drilling and Borehole - 8000 terms
- Comprehensive Dictionary of Petroleum Science and Technology - 70 000 terms
- Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Sciences - 37 000 terms
In French:
- Guide pratique pour le système international d’unités (SI)

Complementary information:
Prizewinner, Académie des Sciences, Paris - France (1994)

ISBN : 9782710807490
hardcover      170 x 240 mm     
Publication date : February 2000

American buyersAmerican buyers
Around the book

The more than 37 000 entries in this dictionary cover all fields of earth science, ranging from archaeology to volcanology, including: astronomy, biochemistry, biology, cartography, climatology, crystallography, ecology, environment, geochemistry, geochronology, geodesy, geology, geomorphology, geophysics, gitology, hydrogeology, hydrology, meteorology, mineralogy, oceanography, paleontology, palynology, pedology, petrography, photogeology, remote sensing, sedimentology, stratigraphy, taxonomy, tectonics, topography. The terms, with explanations in both languages, are defined or explained and/or illustrated by examples of use. Abbreviations are explained and given their equivalence in the other language (when one exists). Greek and Latin roots are given, along with place names and persons. Appendixes also give additional tables and figures. This dictionary will enable the user to access all the available information required to understand a term or expression, without having to consult other sources.


Avec plus de 37 000 entrées, ce dictionnaire couvre l’ensemble des domaines des sciences de la Terre, de l’archéologie à la volcanologie, en passant par l’astronomie, la biochimie, la biologie, la cartographie, la climatologie, la cristallographie, l’écologie, l’environnement, la géochimie, la géochronologie, la géodésie, la géologie, la géomorphologie, la géophysique, la gîtologie, l’hydrogéologie, l’hydrologie, la météorologie, la minéralogie, l’océanographie, la paléontologie, la palynologie, la pédologie, la pétrographie, la photogéologie, la sédimentologie, la stratigraphie, la taxinomie, la tectonique, la télédétection et la topographie. Dans chacune des deux langues, les termes sont accompagnés de leur(s) traduction(s), de définitions, de commentaires, d’explications et/ou d’exemples d’utilisation. Les abréviations sont associées à leur forme développée, ainsi qu’à leur équivalence dans l’autre langue, lorsqu’elle existe. Sont également pris en compte les racines grecques et latines servant à comprendre l’étymologie des termes, ainsi que les noms de lieux et de personnes

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