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World Energy Horizons 2000-2020

14th Congress of the World Energy Conference Conservation and Studies Committee, Montreal, September 1989

Authors : FRISCH Jean-Romain

FRISCH Jean-Romain

Graduate from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (Commercial studies business school - France)

Secretary-general of Energy Council of France

Field of publication:
Long term energy studies

Mr. Frisch published 9 titles, including, with Editions Technip:
In English:
- World Energy Horizons 2000-2020 (World Energy Conference)
In French:
- Horizons énergétiques mondiaux 2000-2020 (Conférence Mondiale de l’Energie)
Abondance énergétique. Mythe ou réalité ? (Conférence Mondiale de l’Energie)
- Energie 2000-2020. Equilibre mondial et tensions régionales (Conférence Mondiale de l’Energie) 

Comment : 

Foreword by M. BOITEUX.

ISBN : 9782710805700
hardcover      170 x 240 mm      416 pages
Publication date : 1989

This second project by the World Energy Conference updates the global supply and demand energy perspectives to 2000-2020. Its major specific feature is the work in common of some thirty regional experts from 18 countries and 9 organizations among which the World Bank, the EEC and the OPEC. This decentralized forecasting approach, in the context of two "moderate" and "limited" economic growth scenarios, made it possible to follow the energy evolutions of the great world regions, according to the various energy sources and to the demographic and economic projections.

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