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Dictionary of Drilling and Boreholes. English-French, French-English

Dictionnaire du forage et des puits. Anglais-Français, Français-Anglais

Authors : BRACE Gerald

BRACE Gerald

BA from Williams College, Degrees in medium level and higher literary French from the University of Paris, Degree from the Institut de Phonétique

Gerald Brace† was a linguist, scientific rewriter and technical translator at IFP-Energies nouvelles. He was co-author of several dictionaries together with Magdeleine Moureau.

Field of publication:
Technical translation dictionaries

Author of 7 scientific articles, Mr. Brace published and co-authored 4 dictionaries (English-French, French-English) with Editions Technip:
– Dictionary of Seismic Prospecting – 4000 terms
– Dictionary of Drilling and Borehole – 8000 terms
– Comprehensive Dictionary of Petroleum Science and Technology – 70 000 terms
– Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Sciences – 37 000 terms

Complementary information:
Prizewinner, Académie des Sciences, Paris – France (1994).

, MOUREAU Magdeleine

MOUREAU Magdeleine

Ph.D. in Law, Graduate in Library Sciences

Magdeleine Moureau has head IFP-Energies nouvelles Documentation. She is the author of articles, technical dictionaries and linguistic tools helping in the search and elaboration of on-line information.

Field of publication:
Computerized documentation, linguistics, thesaurus construction, dictionary

Author of numerous scientific articles, Dr. Moureau published and co-authored the following titles with Editions Technip:
English-French, French-English:
- Dictionary of Seismic Prospecting - 4000 terms
- Dictionary of Drilling and Borehole - 8000 terms
- Comprehensive Dictionary of Petroleum Science and Technology - 70 000 terms
- Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Sciences - 37 000 terms
In French:
- Guide pratique pour le système international d’unités (SI)

Complementary information:
Prizewinner, Académie des Sciences, Paris - France (1994)

, SEVADJIAN Grégoire


Grégoire Sevadjian, geologist, is now Petroleum consultant for Vinci-Technologies.

Comment : 

New edition revised and expanded

ISBN : 9782710809661
trade paperback      130 x 210 mm      376 pages
Publication date : March 2011

American buyersAmerican buyers
Around the book

This dictionary which contains over 8,000 terms is a comprehensive compilation of the words or expressions used in drilling, well logging, and in the equipment and completion of boreholes, both onshore and offshore. It also includes tradenames of tools that tend to be used as commons nouns. Technical definitions are also added for important terms and concepts that need to be understood. Appendixes also give additional tables and figures.


Ce dictionnaire, qui contient plus de 8 000 termes, couvre l’ensemble des mots ou expressions utilisés pour le forage, les diagraphies, l’équipement et la complétion des puits, à la fois sur terre et en mer. Il comporte aussi des dénominations commerciales d’outils souvent employées comme noms communs. Les mots et concepts importants qu’il faut connaître ou ceux dont la traduction ne suffirait pas à donner la signification font l’objet de définitions. Une annexe regroupe des tables et des tableaux complémentaires, ainsi que des données chiffrées.

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