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Direct Numerical Simulation for Turbulent Reacting Flows

Authors : BARITAUD Thierry


Ph.D. in Physics, University of Paris - France

Department manager, Combustion and Engines Research, IFP (French Petroleum Institute)

Field of publication:
Combustion, Engines, Optical Diagnostics, CFD

Author of about 50 scientific articles, Dr. Baritaud published and edited the following titles in English with Editions Technip:
– Direct Numerical Simulation for Turbulent Reacting Flow
– Multi-Dimensional Simulation of Engine Internal Flows

Complementary information:
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of "Experiments in Fluids" and of the Journal of Engine Research 

, BAUM Markus

BAUM Markus

, POINSOT Thierry


Graduate Engineer from the "Ecole Centrale de Paris" (superior french school of Engineering)

Research Director at CNRS (Scientific Research - France)

Field of publication:
Combustion - CFD

Author of about 150 scientific articles, Dr. Poinsot published and edited the following title, in English, with Editions Technip:
- Direct Numerical Simulation for Turbulent Reacting Flow (with T. Baritaud and M. Baum)

Complementary information:
Dr. Poinsot is Senior Fellow at Stanford University.

ISBN : 9782710806981
hardcover      160 x 240 mm      318 pages
Publication date : 1996

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Direct numerical simulation for turbulent reacting flow sis now a standard tool (with experiments, theory and modelling) in the analysis of turbulent combustion. Its impact on turbulent combustion models has been quite significant: DNS brings considerable information and generates new ideas and new models. This book sums up recent DNS work and presents multiple examples of DNS work to provide a comprehensive picture of DNS of reacting flows. They include studies of laminar and turbulent combustion for premixed and diffusion flames with simple or complex chemistry. Ignition, turbulent flame propagation, flame-vortex interaction, flame-wall interaction problems are studied. The development of DNS tools is also described.

Contents :

Description of accurate boundary conditions for the simulation of reactive flows. Parallel direct numerical simulation of turbulent reactive flow. Flame-wall interaction and heat flux modelling in turbulent channel flow. A numerical study of laminar flame wall interaction with detailed chemistry: wall temperature effects. Modeling and simulation of turbulent flame kernel evolution. Experimental and theoretical analysis of flame surface density modelling for premixed turbulent combustion. Gradient and counter-gradient transport in turbulent premixed flames. Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flames with complex chemical kinetics. Effects of curvature and unsteadiness in diffusion flames. Implications for turbulent diffusion combustion. Numerical simulations of autoignition in turbulent mixing flows. Stabilization processes of diffusion flames. References.

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