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Which Fuels for Low CO2 Engines?

Authors : DURET Pierre

DURET Pierre

Graduate Engineer from the École Centrale de Paris (a superior french school of Engineering)

Director of the Center for "IC Engines and Hydrocarbons Utilizations" at the IFP School.

Field of publication:
Internal combustion engine

Author of about 50 scientific articles (40 in English), Mr. Duret was the Editor of the following titles in English:
– A New Generation of Two-Stroke Engines for the Future (Ed. Technip, 1993)
– A New Generation of Engine Combustion Processes for the Future (Ed. Technip, 2001)

Complementary information:
Mr. Duret is an expert in new generation two-stroke engine design and in new CAI/HCCI engine combustion processes. He gives lectures on these two topics at the IFP School.




ISBN : 9782710808510
trade paperback      210 x 270 mm     
Publication date : September 2004

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Around the book

Throughout the world, research and development in the field of vehicle transportation is increasingly focusing on engine and fuel combinations. The conventional and alternative fuels of the future are seen as fundamental to the development of a new generation of internal combustion engines that attain low well-to-wheel CO2 emissions along with near-zero pollutant emissions. These issues were debated during an international conference whose proceedings are presented in this book. This international conference attracted specialists in the field, including participants from universities, research centres and industry.

Contents :

Future of liquid fuels, Engine and fuel-related issues in HCCI & CAI combustion, Energy conversion in engines from natural gas, Use of hydrogen in IC engines, Which fuels for low CO2 engines?

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