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Quest for Quality Data

Auteurs : THEYS Philippe

THEYS Philippe

Diplômé Ingénieur de l’Ecole Centrale de Paris
Licencié ès Sciences économiques
DEA de Physique des Plasmas
Consultant dans le domaine de la qualité des données géophysiques.
Domaine de publication :
Interprétation et acquisition des diagraphies
Auteur de nombreuses communications scientifiques essentiellement en anglais, mais aussi en russe, français et japonais.
Les titres principaux sont:
- Quest for Quality Data (Ed. Technip)
- Log Data Acquisition and Quality Control (Ed. Technip)
- Litho Density Logging (Schlumberger)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging (Schlumberger)
- CSU Reference Manual (Schlumberger)
- MAXIS Reference Manual (Schlumberger)
- Anadrill Reference Manual 96 (Schlumberger)
- Anadrill Reference Manual 98 (Schlumberger)
Ancien Président de la SPWLA (Society of Petrophysicists and Log Analysts)
Président de la SAID (Société d’Avancement de l’Interprétation de la SAID).
Editeur associé de la SPWLA. Fondateur et contributeur de la rubrique "Le Log."

ISBN : 9782710809647
broché      17 x 24 cm      270 pages
Date de publication : Février 2011

Acheteurs américainsAcheteurs américains

The Digital Oilfield is the buzzword of the oil industry in these early years of the 21st century.
Data swiftly flows to databases, moves around the world at the speed of light and can be exchanged seamlessly between all stakeholders. From time to time, for good housekeeping, data is cleansed. Many people are involved in these intermediate or final steps.
But, who cares about the real sources of oilfield data, seismic profiles, wirelines and LWD logs, drilling data and core measurements? This book expresses the real concerns about input data. It explains the inherent weaknesses of the oilfield data acquisition processes and gives recommendations on how to improve them. This quest goes through the paths of uncertainty management and elucidates the important role of the field engineers.

Table des matières :

1. Introduction. Part 1. Why measurements differ from reality. 2. Setting the problem with simple examples. 3. All well measurements are indirect. 4. Logging measurements do not focus on zones of interest. 5. Measurements are imprecise and inaccurate. 6. How measurements can suffer from human bias. 7. Complexity. 8. Complication. 9. WYSINWYTII. 10. Misconceptions. Part 2: Quest for quality data. 11. The different uses of logging data. 12. Brochure Specifications. 13. Quest for uncertainties: From brochure specifications to real uncertainties. 14. Deliverables. 15. Depth. 16. Hidden Treasures. 17. Contribution of the field engineer to the quality of data. 18. Drilling data. 19. Coring data. 20. Conclusions and recommendations.

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