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Encyclopedia of Well Logging

Auteurs : DESBRANDES Robert


ISBN : 9782710804642
relié      170 x 240 mm      608 pages
Date de publication : 1985

Table des matières :

1. Well logging during drilling. 2. Wireline well logging. 3. Electric and dielectric well logging. 4. Nuclear well logging. 5. Acoustic well logging. 6. Miscellaneous logs and measurements. 7. Recording techniques. 8. Basic formation evaluation. 9. Sidewall sampling and testing. 10. Wireline completion operations. 11. Production logging. 12. Logging in relief wells. 13. Geothermal logging. 14. Logs for evaluating shallow resources. 15. Logging in oil muds. 16. Programs and costs of well logging. Appendices: Physical constants. Atomic weights and numbers. Unit conversion factors. Main literature sources for well logging. Universities and schools offering graduate well-logging degrees. Five-language glossary of well logging terms. Index.

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