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Applications in Chemical Engineering and the Petroleum Industry

Auteurs : VIDAL Jean


Diplômé Ingénieur de l’ENSPM
Docteur ès Sciences physiques

Fonction :
Directeur de Recherche à l’Institut français du pétrole, professeur à l’ENSPM

Domaine de publication :

Auteur d’une quarantaine de communications scientifiques dont 30 en anglais, J. Vidal a publié 4 ouvrages parmi lesquels, aux Editions Technip :
- Thermodynamique. Application au génie chimique et à l’industrie pétrolière

ISBN : 9782710808008
relié      170 x 240 mm     
Date de publication : Mai 2003

Acheteurs américainsAcheteurs américains

The simulation and optimization of processes assumes that the thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of the mixtures concerned are well known. This knowledge is still based upon experimentation, but it is also the result of calculation methods based on the principles of thermodynamics that govern them, insure their coherence, and confer upon them a wide range of application. This text is concerned primarily with the description of these methods and their evolution. It devotes extensive space to fundamental concepts and places particular emphasis on the "models" that, although based on simplified concepts of the subject matter at the molecular level, have "predictive" character. Computational examples are used to explain the application of these concepts and models.


This book is available in French under the title "Thermodynamique".

Table des matières :

 1. Principles. Thermodynamic functions. The ideal gas. 2. Properties of pure substances. 3. Predicting thermodynamic properties of pure substances. General principles. Corresponding states. Group contributions. 4. Equations of state. 5. Characterization of mixtures. 6. Mixtures: liquid-vapor equilibria. 7. Deviations from ideality in the liquid phase. 8. Application of equations of state to mixtures. Calculation of liquid-vapor equilibria under pressure. 9. Liquid-liquid and liquid-liquid-vapor equilibria. 10. Fluid-solid equilibria. Crystallization. Hydrates. 11. Polymer solutions and alloys. 12. Multicomponent mixtures. 13. Chemical reactions. Appendixes. Index. Bibliography.

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