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Well Logging Handbook (The)

Auteurs : SERRA Oberto

SERRA Oberto

Diplômé ingénieur de l’ENSPM (IFP)
Docteur (d’état) ès Sciences
Anciennes Fonctions :
Chef du Service Diagraphies de 1969 à 1978 chez ELF-Acquitaine;
Chef géologue, Services Techniques Schlumberger, d’avril 1978 à juillet 1993;
Conseiller scientifique de la société SerraLog de 2000 à 2006

Domaines de publication :
Diagraphies, géophysique de trou, applications géologiques, stratigraphie, sédimentologie
Auteur d’une quarantaine de communications scientifiques dont 18 en anglais, O. Serra a publié des ouvrages de rérérence parmi lesquels :
- Diagraphies et Stratigraphie (Mémoires BRGM n°77, 1972)
En français aux Editions Technip :
- Diagraphies différées. Bases de l’interprétation
  - Tome 1. Acquisition des données diagraphiques (1979)
  - Tome 2. Interprétation des données diagraphiques (1985)
Aux Editions SERRALOG, avec le concours de Lorenzo SERRA :
- Diagraphies - Acquisition et Applications (2000)
En anglais :
- The Well Logging Handbook (Technip) (2008)
- Well Logging Collection
1. Well Logging. Data Acquisition and Applications (2004)
2. Well Logging and Geology (2003)
3. Well Logging and Reservoir Evaluation (2007)
- Fundamentals of Well-Log Interpretation (Elsevier) (1984 et 1986)
- Sedimentary environments from wireline logs (Schlumberger)
- Clay, Silt, Sand, Shale (Schlumberger)
- Stratigraphy, Structure and Texture (Schlumberger)
- Thin Beds  (Schlumberger)
- Formation MicroScanner Image Interpretation (Schlumberger)

- Article sur Diagraphie (Encyclopaedia Universalis)
 Auteur de plusieurs logiciels:
- Picardia (ELF)
- Denson (ELF)
- Faciolog (Schlumberger)
- Litho (Schlumberger)
Sqwizlog (SERRALOG)
Informations complémentaires :
- Awarded for Distinguished Technical Achievement at the 2009 SPWLA Annual Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas.
- Premier prix Marcel Roubault décerné par l’UFG (1973).
- Lauréat du prix Léon Bertrand décerné par la SGF (1980).
- Best Poster 1993 décerné par la SPWLA.

ISBN : 9782710809128
broché      160 x 240 mm      608 pages
Date de publication : Juin 2008

Acheteurs américainsAcheteurs américains

Following the success of the Drilling Data Handbook, Editions Technip has designed this book to cover the well logging principles and its applications.
This well logging handbook first edition starts with a summary on geology and petrophysics focusing mainly on its applications.
The wide range of logging measurements and applications is covered through eleven sections, each of them organized into four chapters:
1 - the basic physical principles of each measurement;
2 - the different WL and LWD tools;
3 - the main factors influencing the measurements;
4 - the main geophysical, geological and petrophysical applications of the measurements.
A large proportion of figures and tables is there to facilitate the understanding of more complex subjects.
An exhaustive bibliography is also available at the end of this book for those readers willing to deepen their knowledge on any particular topic.
Finally, a simple and easy access to the information is made possible thanks to a detailed subject index.
All in all, this is a valuable, strongly-bound, user-friendly book with useful information for those involved in all aspects and applications of well-logging.
The paging is notched and externally labelled alphabetically to allow a quick access.

Table des matières :

A. General data. B. Geology – Petrophysics. C. Processes for recording physical parameters. D. Resistivity – Conductivity logging – Electromagnetic wave propagation – Spontaneous potential. E. Magnetic susceptibility. F. Radioactivity logging: Natural radioactivity – Spectrometry of natural radioactivity. G. Density measurement – Photoelectric index measurement. H. Neutron logging: Neutron porosity measurements – Spectrometry of induced gamma rays – Chlorine logging – Termal neutron die-away measurements – Activation logging I. Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. J. Acoustic logging: Sonic transit time measurement – Sonic amplitude and attenuation measurements – Well seismic techniques. K. Dip and borehole-wall image acquisition – Borehole caliper measurements. L. Temperature measurement. M. Rock and fluid sampling – Formation pressure measurement. Bibliography. Index

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