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High-Performance Polymers. Vol. 3 Polyimides in Electronics

Auteurs : RABILLOUD Guy


Docteur ès Sciences physiques

Fonction :
Responsable du service Documentation à l’Institut français du pétrole

Domaine de publication :
Chimie macromoléculaire

Auteur d’une cinquantaine de communications scientifiques G. Rabilloud a publié et participé à la rédaction de 3 ouvrages dont, en anglais :
- High- Performance Polymers. Chemistry and Applications (Ed. Technip)
  - Vol. 1. Conductive Adhesives
  - Vol. 2. Polyquinoxalines and Polyimides
  - Vol. 3. Polyimides in Electronics
- New Methods of Polymer Synthesis. Vol. 2 (Blackie Academic and Professional)

ISBN : 9782710807209
broché      170 x 240 mm      592 pages
Date de publication : Octobre 2000

Acheteurs américainsAcheteurs américains

The basic purpose of this book is to consider the present status of polyimides in the electronic industry in order to provide an overview of the polymers used for optical lithography, semiconductor encapsulation, packaging, flexible circuitry, and conformal coatings.

Table des matières :

1. Polymers for electronic applications. 2. Polyimides developed for electronic applications. 3. Structure-property relationships. 4. Negative and positive photosensitive polyimides. 5. Spin coating process and modelling. 6. Planarization properties of polyimide films. 7. Alignment layers for liquid crystal displays. 8. Multichip modules and other applications. 

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