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Well Logging. Vol. 3 Well Logging and Reservoir Evaluation

Auteurs : SERRA Oberto

SERRA Oberto

Diplômé ingénieur de l’ENSPM (IFP)
Docteur (d’état) ès Sciences
Anciennes Fonctions :
Chef du Service Diagraphies de 1969 à 1978 chez ELF-Acquitaine;
Chef géologue, Services Techniques Schlumberger, d’avril 1978 à juillet 1993;
Conseiller scientifique de la société SerraLog de 2000 à 2006

Domaines de publication :
Diagraphies, géophysique de trou, applications géologiques, stratigraphie, sédimentologie
Auteur d’une quarantaine de communications scientifiques dont 18 en anglais, O. Serra a publié des ouvrages de rérérence parmi lesquels :
- Diagraphies et Stratigraphie (Mémoires BRGM n°77, 1972)
En français aux Editions Technip :
- Diagraphies différées. Bases de l’interprétation
  - Tome 1. Acquisition des données diagraphiques (1979)
  - Tome 2. Interprétation des données diagraphiques (1985)
Aux Editions SERRALOG, avec le concours de Lorenzo SERRA :
- Diagraphies - Acquisition et Applications (2000)
En anglais :
- The Well Logging Handbook (Technip) (2008)
- Well Logging Collection
1. Well Logging. Data Acquisition and Applications (2004)
2. Well Logging and Geology (2003)
3. Well Logging and Reservoir Evaluation (2007)
- Fundamentals of Well-Log Interpretation (Elsevier) (1984 et 1986)
- Sedimentary environments from wireline logs (Schlumberger)
- Clay, Silt, Sand, Shale (Schlumberger)
- Stratigraphy, Structure and Texture (Schlumberger)
- Thin Beds  (Schlumberger)
- Formation MicroScanner Image Interpretation (Schlumberger)

- Article sur Diagraphie (Encyclopaedia Universalis)
 Auteur de plusieurs logiciels:
- Picardia (ELF)
- Denson (ELF)
- Faciolog (Schlumberger)
- Litho (Schlumberger)
Sqwizlog (SERRALOG)
Informations complémentaires :
- Awarded for Distinguished Technical Achievement at the 2009 SPWLA Annual Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas.
- Premier prix Marcel Roubault décerné par l’UFG (1973).
- Lauréat du prix Léon Bertrand décerné par la SGF (1980).
- Best Poster 1993 décerné par la SPWLA.

ISBN : 9782710808817
broché      220 x 297 mm     
Date de publication : Septembre 2007

Acheteurs américainsAcheteurs américains

This third book on Well Logging, focuses on reservoir evaluation of the main goal is the determination of the hydrocarbon volume existing in the drilled well and the discovered field. This evaluation requires the determination of several factors: the reservoir volume;  the reservoir tectonic and stratigraphic settings (spatial & temporal position; the presence of fractures; the reservoir mineralogical composition; the hydrocarbon volume in place and extractible, which depends on the saturation of hydrocarbon in each unit composing the reservoir, which, in turn, depends on: the total pore volume of each unit composing the reservoir, the pore size, which is a function of the texture (grain size, sorting, packing...), the diagenetic effects affecting the initial porosity ((compaction, cementation, transformation, dolomitization, dissolution…) undergone since the deposition of the sediment; the hydrocarbon type; the permeability which depends on sedimentary features, fractures, dissolution and fluid type; the production potential that is a function of the permeability and the reservoir pressure.
The determination of these factors will be considerably improved using a complete logging set including  images of the borehole wall and nuclear magnetic resonance data and their interpretation by a team including geologist, geophysicist, petrophysicist and reservoir engineer in order to determine the depositional environment which can be precisely determined from well logging data, possibly calibrated on core data, taking into account: the facies of each depositional unit (composition, texture, internal structure, thickness);  the type of facies succession composing genetic increment and genetic sequence.
This determination, completed by the detection of the faults crossed by the well, will allow a more precise interpretation of seismic data and consequently a better modeling of the reservoir for its economical evaluation and development.

Table des matières :

1. Generalities. 2. Interpretation methodology. 3. Reservoir detection. 4. Reservoir general parameters. 5. Reservoir properties of each bed. 6. Interpretation programs. 7. Reservoir types.
3 Appendices : Units, Symbols and Index-Glossary.

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